Very good general information on Chinese crested dogs

Also plenty of information for dog owners and prospective dog owners on any matter that might interest them concerning their dog. Also information on many other dog breeds.
This is what they say of themselves:
Dog Breed Info Center® is your one-stop shop for dog information. It is entertaining and informative all at the same time. The number one cause of death in dogs today is euthanasia. A dog's temperament is a direct result of its owner’s ability to understand him and give him what he instinctually needs as a canine animal. There are no bad dogs...just uneducated owners. Don't let your dog down! Learn how natural dogmanship (the art of natural dog behavior) can help your dog be balanced and a true member of your family.
This is what they say of themselves:
Dog Breed Info Center® is your one-stop shop for dog information. It is entertaining and informative all at the same time. The number one cause of death in dogs today is euthanasia. A dog's temperament is a direct result of its owner’s ability to understand him and give him what he instinctually needs as a canine animal. There are no bad dogs...just uneducated owners. Don't let your dog down! Learn how natural dogmanship (the art of natural dog behavior) can help your dog be balanced and a true member of your family.

Chinese crested dog from wikipedia
links for advice on grooming

1900 Chinese crested
I found very useful information on grooming and ear taping from Crestars chinese cresteds.
My experience tells me that Chinese crested dogs need weekly grooming to keep their skin and coat in top condition. I bathe and condition their skin using as few products as possible. Experimenting with different products is essential in order to find what is the most suitable for your dog. My most hairy crested is Yennefer and she is a very hairy hairless indeed!!!! Using hair removing creams such as Veet might be quicker and more effective than shaving. For routine grooming I prefer to shave her using a new and sharp blade each time.I use veet for show grooming. Before shaving I use clippers. Wella contura and Aesculap Exacta work for me the best. They are noiseless and small enough to allow clipping the face well.
After clipping I bathe and shave. I like pure paws products very much and they give you very good advice on grooming your specific breed, be it powder puff or hairless
My experience tells me that Chinese crested dogs need weekly grooming to keep their skin and coat in top condition. I bathe and condition their skin using as few products as possible. Experimenting with different products is essential in order to find what is the most suitable for your dog. My most hairy crested is Yennefer and she is a very hairy hairless indeed!!!! Using hair removing creams such as Veet might be quicker and more effective than shaving. For routine grooming I prefer to shave her using a new and sharp blade each time.I use veet for show grooming. Before shaving I use clippers. Wella contura and Aesculap Exacta work for me the best. They are noiseless and small enough to allow clipping the face well.
After clipping I bathe and shave. I like pure paws products very much and they give you very good advice on grooming your specific breed, be it powder puff or hairless